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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Moving coins across the board

On a $1 \times 2018$ chess-board, the $n (n < 2018)$ left-most squares contain 1 coin each. Alice and Bob are playing a game, where on each turn the player may choose a coin and move it to the right one or two units. The only condition is that each square may only contain one coin at a time (no "stacking"), except the last square (right-most square). Alice goes first. The player who cannot make a legal move loses. Determine all $n$ such that Alice has a winning strategy.


Label each square by its distance from the right-most square. So the right-most square is called square zero, and the left-most square is called square 2017. Suppose $(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_k)$ denotes the condition that there is a coin on each of the cells $a_1, \dots, a_k$ and the rest of the coins are in the square zero. WLOG, we may assume $a_1 < a_2 < \dots < a_k$.


We claim that $(a_1, \dots, a_k)$ is a losing position if and only if $a_1 + \dots + a_k$ is divisible by 3.

First note that the game ends only when there's no more legal move left, and that's when all the coins are on square zero. So as long as the sum of the coin numbers are greater than zero, there is always a legal move available. At the very least, the coin with the lowest number can be moved to the right 1 or 2 steps (possibly reaching zero in the process).


If the sum of the numbers are not divisible by 3, there is always a legal move to make it divisible by 3 within one turn.

Note that our claim is a corollary of the lemma. If the sum of the numbers is divisible by 3, then no matter what move you do, you can only reduce it by 1 or 2. Based on the lemma, the opponent can always counter it by bringing down to the next multiple of 3. Therefore, your opponent will never face the situation without any legal move. Conversely, if it's not divisible by 3, you can always bring it to a multiple of 3 within one turn so that your opponent is facing a losing position next. And your winning strategy is always to keep the sum of the numbers divisible by 3.

Proof of lemma:

If the the sum of the numbers is $3m+1$, then you only need to move the lowest-numbered coin down by 1. This is always possible because it is at least 1. If the sum of the numbers is $3m+2$, then you need to move ANY coin down by 2. Suppose that this is not possible, either due to prospect of collision or running against the end of the board. That means the following:

1. There are no two consecutive empty cells. If there are two or more consecutive empty cells, then the coin to the left of that block can be moved down by two. This means that $a_i - a_{i-1} = 1,2$ for each $i$.

2. There is nothing on cell 2, because otherwise we can always move it to cell 0 directly.

3. There is no "jumping over" possible. Meaning, if cell $x$ is empty but $x+1,x+2$ are both occupied, we can take $x+2$ and move it to $x$. So this configuration is not allowed: EMPTY, OCCUPIED, OCCUPIED.

This means cell 1 has a coin on it. $a_1 = 1$. Since 2 is empty, then 3 must have a coin on it ($a_2 = 3$). If 4 has a coin on it, then it violates condition 3 above, so 4 must be empty. That means 5 must be occupied (by condition 1). We can continue this pattern indefinitely, to arrive at the conclusion that current condition must be: $(1,3,5, \dots, 2k-1)$. The sum of the numbers is therefore $1 + 3 + \dots + 2k-1 = k^2$, which cannot be $3m+2$. Contradiction. Hence it's always possible to choose a coin to move down by 2. This completes our proof of the lemma.

Now, the initial condition is $(2018-(n-1), 2018-(n-2), \dots, 2018)$, so that the sum of the numbers is: $n(4037-n)/2$. For this to be divisible by 3, either $n$ is divisible by 3, or $n \equiv 2 \mod 3$. These are the losing positions. So in order for Alice to have winning strategy, $n \equiv 1 \mod 3$.

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